November 30, 2023

Can I use whitening toothpaste with braces?

On your smile transformation journey with braces, you may wonder how to keep your teeth white and bright from day 1 – through the day your braces are removed. So, can you use whitening toothpaste with braces? Is there anything you should be aware of before buying whitening toothpaste?

Your team at Just for Grins Orthodontics is here to give you the scoop on the safety and effectiveness of using whitening toothpaste with braces.


Whitening with braces

It’s not advised that you use whitening toothpaste with traditional braces, because the toothpaste will only whiten the parts of your teeth that are exposed. Toothpaste won’t reach the spots under your brackets. This is how white spots and discoloration can form.


Can I use whitening toothpaste with Invisalign?

Yes! You can absolutely use whitening toothpaste to brush your teeth during your Invisalign too. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners are removable so there’s no worries about a two-toned smile once your treatment ends. Just simply remove your aligners and brush your teeth with your favorite whitening toothpaste as normal.

However, it’s important that you do not use whitening toothpaste to clean your clear aligners. Use a non-abrasive, non-whitening toothpaste to brush your aligners. Whitening toothpaste can cause discoloration to your aligners and potentially damage them over time.


But what if I have Invisalign attachments?

Whitening teeth with Invisalign attachments or buttons can cause a noticeable difference in the shades of white in your smile after treatment. Invisalign buttons and attachments are small, tooth-colored bumps that are bonded to your teeth, so it’s best to wait until they are removed before using any teeth whitening toothpaste or product.

But not to worry! You can still keep your teeth bright and white with Invisalign attachments or buttons. Just commit to a thorough oral hygiene routine. Once they’re removed, you can resume your teeth whitening toothpaste.


3 tips for whitening teeth with Invisalign attachments or buttons

  1. Brush your teeth after every snack and meal. Doing so before putting your aligners back in not only helps keep your teeth white, but stops your aligners from yellowing or harboring plaque.
  2. Keep your regular dental check-up appointments. The best teeth whitening with Invisalign is a professional teeth cleaning at your general dentist’s office. This removes plaque, stains, and tartar (a substance that can only be removed by a certified dental hygienist)…helping the natural white of your teeth shine through!
  3. Talk with your orthodontist. If you’re considering whitening your teeth, it’s always a great idea to address this with one of highly-experienced orthodontists. Dr. Dunn or Dr. Schreiber will be able to recommend a safe, effective route that protects your smile and gives you professional results!


Experience expert orthodontics in Alabama!

The Just for Grins Ortho Team understands the desire to have a beautiful bright grin, and we’re here to help! Be sure to reach out to us if you have any questions about using whitening toothpaste at any time during your braces or Invisalign transformation.

If you’re looking for a top orthodontist in Millbrook, Montgomery or Wetumpka, request a complimentary exam for you or your child with us today!

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