for Adults

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for teens! It’s never too late to achieve your best quality of life – and that has everything to do with loving your smile.

We know that many of our adult patients prefer a clear, comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional braces. That’s why we offer Invisalign® for adults at Just for Grins Orthodontics.

young woman smiling with a bright white smile

Why Invisalign for adults?

Adult Invisalign treatment is comfortable, efficient and convenient. You can keep living life on your terms without giving up your favorite foods, hiding your smile, or complicating your oral hygiene routine.

transparent invisalign logo

Whatever your day holds...

between your social and professional life, you can continue smiling, talking, eating, presenting, hosting, dancing – whatever your thing may be – without your orthodontic treatment getting in the way.

Conditions treated with Invisalign

With Invisalign technology, our experienced orthodontists can treat a wide range of orthodontic conditions, from mildly crooked teeth to complex bite misalignments, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth protrusion
  • Malocclusions (overbite, underbite, open bite, crossbite, midline misalignment)
  • Gapped teeth or teeth spacing
  • Lack of confidence in the smile

Depending on your case, your personalized Invisalign treatment plan may include Invisalign attachments and/or an orthodontic appliance, like rubber bands, to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

How do I know if I’m a candidate for Invisalign?

If you’re interested in Invisalign treatment, we encourage you to request a complimentary orthodontic exam with us! Our orthodontists will examine your smile, take x-rays and diagnostic photos, and discuss your goals and any concerns you may have.

Dr. Dunn and Dr. Schreiber can treat a range of common orthodontic problems with Invisalign.

We treat:
  • Crowding
  • Crooked teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Bite misalignments (overbites, underbites, open bites, cross bites) 

Getting started is easy!

Let’s make the smile of your dreams a reality. New patients receive a free consultation!

Take the first step today by requesting your complimentary consultation with Just for Grins Orthodontics in Montgomery, Millbrook and Wetumpka.

Getting started is easy!

Let’s make the smile of your dreams a reality. New patients receive a free consultation!

Take the first step today by requesting your complimentary consultation with Just for Grins Orthodontics in Montgomery, Millbrook and Wetumpka.