September 27, 2024

What Happens After Invisalign or Braces Treatment?

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for. If your braces removal appointment is scheduled or your final Invisalign® appointment is on the calendar, we’re so excited for you!

This is an exciting milestone that marks the beginning of a new chapter for your smile and your confidence – for the rest of your life!

As you transition from active treatment to maintenance, you may be wondering what happens next, and your team at Just for Grins Orthodontics is here to help you prepare.

Here’s your full guide to finishing orthodontic treatment, with tips for both Invisalign and braces wearers. We’ll discuss: 

  • The role of retainers after Invisalign and braces
  • How to care for your teeth moving forward
  • Fun things you can do to celebrate getting your braces off!


What to Expect after Braces or Invisalign

Finishing your last set of Invisalign aligners or getting your braces removed is a BIG achievement, but it’s not the end of your orthodontic journey. Just like your dental health, maintaining your beautiful new dental alignment is a lifetime commitment! 

After active treatment, you’ll enter the maintenance phase – where your retainer is the star of the show. 

Retainers provide the support that your teeth need to stay put and stabilize in their new positions. This is how we prevent your teeth from shifting back to where they were the day you first met us! 


All-things-retainers (after braces or Invisalign)

During your final appointment in active treatment, we’ll take one last digital impression of your braces-free smile to have your custom retainer designed and printed. 

We provide different types of retainers (including removable and fixed retainers): 

  • Clear Essix retainers that are similar to clear aligners
  • Permanent retainers consisting of a thin metal piece permanently glued to the back surfaces of your top or bottom teeth

We’ll explain in detail how to wear and care for your retainer. Once you receive it, you’ll pop it in place and keep that smile in pristine condition. 


How long will I wear my retainer after Invisalign or braces?

Your orthodontist will provide specific instructions for your case, but when you first enter the retention phase, it’s important that you wear your retainer every night. 

Consistency is key, and wearing your retainer as instructed is essential for maintaining your results and keeping your smile in its ideal condition.


Braces Removal: Step-by-Step

One of the most common questions people have when finishing braces treatment is, does getting braces off hurt?” We are pleased to report that no, having your braces removed does not hurt. We are simply popping off your brackets and removing your archwires to reveal your stunning new smile.

Here’s what the braces removal process looks like:

  1. First, your orthodontist (Dr. Dunn or Dr. Schreiber) will examine your smile to make sure your treatment is complete – of course! 
  2. Using a special tool, an orthodontic assistant will gently pop off each bracket from each tooth, and remove your wires. With any type of braces, this process is painless. You may feel a little pressure as the brackets are squeezed.
  3. After your brackets are off, our orthodontists will remove the bonding adhesive, or glue, from your teeth. We’ll then polish your teeth, leaving your teeth smooth and clean.

It’s that easy! The whole braces removal process takes about 30 to 45 minutes.


What happens after my last Invisalign tray?

After your final Invisalign appointment in active treatment, you simply take out your last Invisalign trays and replace them with your new retainers. We’ll schedule a follow-up visit in a few weeks, where we’ll examine your beautiful new smile to make sure your smile is in its best condition, to answer any questions you have, and discuss retainer wear moving forward.

Can I use my last Invisalign tray as a retainer?  

Please keep your last few sets of aligners, but do not wear the last one as a retainer. Aligners are designed for short-term wear and will weaken if over-worn. Since you already got the designated wear out of your last set, it won’t provide enough support to replace a durable retainer designed for long-term wear.


What Not to Do After Getting Braces Off or Finishing Invisalign

We know you’re eager to show off your smile, but there are a few things to be cautious of…

  • Don’t neglect your retainer!

If you allow your retainer to collect dust in your retainer case, you may be visiting us again in the future for re-treatment. Especially in the beginning of your retention/maintenance phase – wear your retainer consistently and don’t allow all of your hard work to be lost.

  • Don’t neglect your teeth either!

If you wore braces, you’ll enjoy the freedom of being able to brush and floss your teeth without brackets or wires again! If you wore Invisalign, you’re already familiar with the process of removing your aligners (and now your clear retainers) to brush and floss your teeth. 

Give your teeth lots of love in the form of toothpaste, mouthwash and floss! The same way you kept your teeth nice and clean during active treatment, keep them clean now too. 


Fun Things to Do When You Get Your Braces Off or Finish Invisalign

How should you celebrate your newfound confidence? Here are a few ideas!

  • Indulge in your favorite foods: Enjoy the crunchy, chewy, and sticky foods you’ve been avoiding with braces. Movie night with tons of crunch popcorn, chewy chocolate-caramel treats and your favorite beverages? Yes please! (Just be sure to brush and floss after, of course.)
  • Capture the moment — and capture it again!: There’s no better way to reward yourself for all of the hard work you put into treatment than by taking a bunch of selfies or planning a photoshoot! That stunning smile deserves to be shared.
  • Treat yourself to professional whitening: You may have whitened your teeth during Invisalign treatment — but if you had braces, you’re probably eager to whiten and brighten your teeth. You can schedule an appointment for whitening teeth after braces right away!
  • Celebrate with friends & family: Your friends and family will be so happy for you and your new smile! Share the joy with those who supported you throughout your orthodontic journey. Have a BBQ, brunch, party or vacation and smile ‘til your cheeks hurt.


Say “hello” to a life of confident smiles!

Whether you just finished active orthodontic treatment, you’re preparing for your final appointment, or you’re just curious about what happens when braces or Invisalign treatment is over, we hope you have some answers now. If you have any unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us

If you haven’t begun your journey yet, it’s time to get started. We bring you highly-experienced children’s orthodontists, orthodontists for teens and orthodontists for adults.

Book your complimentary consultation at one of our orthodontist offices in Montgomery, Millbrook and Wetumpka.

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